Selasa, 14 September 2010

Get the money with PTC

hi guys, maybe you're familiar with the name of PTC ..
and we get money just by clicking on the ads and refer the program to many people.
to the point, the more people you invite join the more we get the dollars. in fact, most people fail in getting referrals because they do not know effective ways to get it. and here, I will tell my referral secret formula just for free if you join under myreferral. simply, click the link below and register under myusername. and then. tell me what's yourusername via email and i'll give u the formula
happy click the ads and take the money as much as you want!!!
click this link

and tell me yourusername via email
here's the payment proof

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

a quick way to get backlinks

One way to increase blog traffic in the eyes of search engines is to build internal and external link.Internal link is in a website / blog, The External Link is one way backlink increase (one-way links) to your blog.

If your blog is flooded with traffic visitors want an extraordinary and significant with a one-way link to your blog / site, please review carefully the following article.

Remember For this process to be perfect takes your honesty, strength lies in your honesty, the more you are honest the more backlinks you get!

Let us prove whether the concept of honesty ... here we can use to generate traffic and a very great popularity of a complex method of expert webmaster or SEO expert?

It's easy, you just need to put these links in your blog or article:

  2. Republika
  7. Cafe Bisnis
  8. Panduan Belajar WordPress
Before you put the links above posting your blog, you must remove the participant number 1 from the list. So that all participants up 1 level. Who was number 2 become number 1, number 3 was 2, and so on.after that, enter your own link on the bottom (number 10).

If every participant could invite 5 people to join it, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained is:

When your position 10, the number of backlink = 1

Position 9, Number backlink = 5

Position 8, Number backlink = 25

Position 7, Number backlink = 125

Position 6, Number backlink = 625

Position 5, Number backlink = 3.125

Position 4, Number backlink = 15.625

Position 3, Number backlink = 78.125

Position 2, Number backlink = 390.625

Position 1, Number backlink = 1,953,125

And all of them use keywords that you want. From the side you've got SEO backlink 1,953,125 and side effects if visitors web / blog referrals you click on the link, you also get extra traffic. Great is not it?

Now, please copy and paste this article, and remove the participant number 1 and add a web link / blog you are in position 10. Remember, you have to start from 10th position for maximum results. Because if you put your link in position 1, then your link will disappear once someone has entered the 10th position.

You can only take action would not be fair / not honest with sabotaging this method, let's say "replace all the links of origin" and the contents of a web link / blog of your own? but this method was not optimal. Honesty is a strategy / best politics .. But I'm sure that we all do not want to drop yourself credibility by doing such cheap ways!

Good luck .. and let's us take the backlink

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

website, a profitable business fields

never occurred to us, someone asked, "Do you have a website?" when offered a product. That is why, promotion of products or services through the Internet site becomes very important. Indeed, times have changed now. Prospective customers and sellers no longer face to face in a transaction. They simply do it via the Internet.
Online business is not much different from ordinary business. You just think of how an offline business can succeed. This principle can apply to your online business. site is one that must have to do business in online.a website is a strong first impression. Putting your business on the World Wide Web, giving your business potential of global exposure, no matter the size of your business - be it large or small, single or multi-national. To have your own website provides invaluable benefits to your business, for example, Websites to help you take advantage of web services to streamline the transfer of data to and from your organization. Your customers can always stay in touch with you and your business, just by knowing your web site address. and please note there is no limit as far as space, time, citizenship and residence in question. things that must prepare the site in order to become an online business fields:

* Successful web must have good customer service.
* Your site must be easy to navigate and easy to use
* Your web site must, clearly and concisely reflects your business, values and products
* The functionality of the web and programming should only use the standard, meet the requirements, apply coding, and also provides an alternative programming

so, prepare your site and get the best possible market opportunities worldwide

good luck and good business online

Internet is part of our lives

Internet has become a discourse of the world today. Internet as more advanced technology development. people have considered the Internet a part of their lives or the Internet is called a lifestyle. blogging, surfing, downloading. chat, email, ebook, business, social networking sites and many others

example of social networking sites, this site provides a place and a chance to meet and get to know from various people all over the world. make comments, chat, or just update the status. it has become the modern lifestyle of today

and business, online business has become a new breakthrough in the business world and new ways of doing business. online business provides many different kinds of advantages compared to conventional business. online business offers unlimited time, a large market opportunity, looking for clients and make deals without having to meet in person. This Internet media business has made the Internet as a way of life and style of doing business online

one other example of the ebook. ebook means books in digital form or nonphysical. as ordinary book, ebook presents a wide variety of content. ranging from hobbies, business, sports, novels, and many other interesting things. ebook has mushroomed to people today because ebook has their own advantages. ebook very easy to spread and updated. even just by typing in a search engine offers a variety of sites ranging from the ebook paid to the free. ebook presence makes people have a way of reading the new book and it reflects a way of life with the internet facility